Friday, June 11, 2010

The first post is the hardest. (lie.)

If you're wondering why I've started another doomed-to-lie-fallow-in-the-future blog, blame it on Mantihose Mike. That's my friend who wears hose because they make his legs look fabulous (among other reasons.) He writes a stellar blog, and it's all about his struggles with life after getting CIDP, which is a nasty disease you should hope you never contract.

Anyway, the point of this blog is to record my strange thoughts. That might be difficult, because most of them happen when I'm sleepy and lying in bed. But if I succeed, I will have a record for the future, to show myself that yes, I have always been weird, and have always wondered things like:

-If a black guy emphasized how much he hated black people, would the KKK let him in? How, exactly, would that interview go?
-What if no one knew how to change soap dispensers, and they just put up a new one when they ran out of soap? What would happen when they ran out of wall space? What if they lost track of which one had the soap in it? That would be a loooong bathroom trip.
-If pigs could fly, wouldn't it be awesome if they could break the sound barrier?
-Why did they have to call it "dyslexia?" Imagine a dyslexic trying to read that word. That's just mean.
-What if people really DID fall into the toilet?

So, the point of this blog is comedy, and to find out if other people make the weird connections I do. Let the experiment begin.

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